Thursday, November 4, 2010

Research on fish-oil fails to find benefit for Alzheimer’s

Hopes that fish oil could possibly be a weapon within the battle against Alzheimer’s disease were dashed Tues. Outcomes of clinical trials were released showing that omega-3 fatty acid supplements did not impede the mental deterioration of Alzheimer’s. Omega-3 fish-oil has been touted as a treatment for Alzheimer's because people with a diet rich in fish demonstrate a lesser tendency to suffer from dementia. Source for this article – Omega-3 fish oil fails to slow Alzheimer’s, study says by Personal Money Store.

Omega-3 supplements fail to get outcomes

Omega-3 fish oil had been no more effective than a placebo in results of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The experiment being done was double-blind. Omega-3 fatty acid and placebos were given to those who had Alzheimer's disease moderately. Participants were monitored over 18 months. MRI scans of the brains were done at the end of the study period while cognitive ability was assessed too. There was no improvement in brain volume or cognitive ability in either group.

Nevertheless looking into link with Alzheimer's and fish-oil

Omega-3 fatty acids were something that was looked into for a vitamin good for brain health. This had been because Alzheimer's disease was less common in cultures that have a diet with a lot of fish in it. Since it had been proven that Omega-3 won't help after getting the disease, many have decided to start seeing if taking it when younger prevents individuals from getting it when older. Dementia is already in the brain years and years before you will find any symptoms showing it. The dementia may be easier to keep away from if taking Omega-3 years before Alzheimer's hits.

Outcomes should make experts cautions

Earlier this year, a panel of experts on cognitive decline assembled by the National Institutes of Health said there is little evidence any popular Alzheimer’s therapies work. They based their conclusion on the fact that no rigorous scientific studies support programs such as memory training, avoiding saturated fats, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables or rigorous exercise. A lack of evidence for those approaches leaves the door slightly open, when evidence gained from the omega-3 study slams the door on fish oil for Alzheimer’s disease.

Info from

Los Angeles Times


Medical News Today

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